Avui han tingut lloc les primeres presentacions dels projectes de savis del 2n trimestre. Com sempre, han sigut unes presentacions fantàstiques i molt interessants! Recordeu que aquest trimestre les exposicions es realitzaran cada dues setmanes, per tant els temes que us hem proposat avui són per exposar dilluns dia 7 de febrer.
taller than – shorter than – faster than – longer than – Tom is tall, but I am taller than Tom. – Your hair is short, but Mary’s hair is shorter than yours. – A car is fast, but a plane is faster than a car. – Your pencil is long, but John’s pencil is longer than yours.
bigger than – sadder than – This elephant is very big; but that one is bigger than this one. – Yesterday I was a bit sad. Today I am not sadder than yesterday.
thirstier than – funnier than – happier than – heavier than – Do you feel thirsty? Now, I’m thirstier than before. – Is it funny? I think, the other film was funnier than this one. – Are you happy? I am happier now that I know you come. – Is the blue whale heavy? I think, they are heavier than white sharks.
Avui en Toni, el padrí de na Caterina de 4t A i dimoni gros de Manacor, ha vingut a fer una xerrada als alumnes de primer cicle. Nosaltres hem volgut aprofitar l’ocasió i l’hem convidant a que ens mostràs com ballen els dimonis de Manacor.