Wednesday 28th October

Hello everyone! 🤗I share with you the activities we have practised today in class!

Animals and their body, Numbers and Colours.

Are you interested in more? Here you are!

1.- Activities & Games:

about animals

* Birds
* Reptiles and amphibians

about animals body parts: Game 1 Game 2

2.- BINGO game
Numbers activity

3.- Colours game
Colours activities

Remember to practise the spelling too!

If you had any doubt …
send me an e-mail or a telegram!

In fact if you want, you can send me an e-mail and in that way if I had any information to share with you about your child, I could do it easily!
Si voleu, també podeu enviar-me un mail presentant-vos i d’aquesta manera si hagués de posar-me en contacte amb vosaltres podria fer-ho fora haver d’esperar a tenir l’agenda dels vostres fills i filles davant.

My best wishes,
Diana 😘💌