Aquest tercer trimestre hem treballat els hàbits saludables. Hem fet feina a partir d’un decàleg d’hàbits per a una vida sana, hem vist la piràmide de l’alimentació, el plat saludable i fins i tot hem elaborat unes galletes ben bones i saludables a classe!

Aquí us deixam un recull de pàgines per poder ampliar i repassar els continguts treballats a l’aula. Ànims! 👏





These weeks, 3rd-grade students will get familiar with vocabulary related to illnesses.

We highly recommend them to practise the words, spelling, pronunciation; as well as identifying them.

Play with another mate: One describes, the other guesses!


Do you see the boy with glasses? He has got short brown hair. He’s got a headache.

Do you see the girl with red hair? She's got a ...
Do you see the boy with a blanket? He's got a ...
Do you see the girl with long blond hair? She's got a ...