English Homework

Hello class 🤗 ,

As we have been talking about in class. You must answer this, minimum of twice; but only the first two results are going to be taken into account. I get your results immediately, you only have to do it and finish it. If you cannot do it at home, you can ask for doing it in playtime.

Hola a tothom,

tal com hem estat parlant a classe, per dijous que ve heu d’haver realitzat el quiz. Mínim l’heu d’intentar dos cops. Si hi jugau més vegades, només comptaré les dues primeres. Jo rebré els vostres resultats al moment, vosaltres només heu de contestar i acabar-lo. En el cas de no poder-ho fer a casa, sempre podeu demanar per fer-ho a temps de pati.

Next Friday, 5th of November, we’ll work individually in class. Divendres que ve, treballarem individualment! 🤗
I share with you all we’ve done in class! Comparteixo amb vosaltres tot el que hem fet a classe fins ara.

W-Questions .- 28th October
What are they doing .- 23rd October
Answer Key .- 14th October
I usually … but today … .- 8th October
Pronunciation & Fluency .- 1st October